Monday, March 30, 2009

What is a Cinema Rebel?

Greetings, Good Evening, Hello & Howdy!

Recently, an associate and I were discussing our projects and bouncing ideas around, when he said to me, "So Lin, what exactly, is a cinema rebel?"

I'll explain it to you as I explained it to him.

The term "cinema rebel" has no strict definition. Like Jeet Kune Do, it's different for everybody, and I can only speak for myself and what it represents for me.

The definition of a cinema rebel, as it applies to me, is as follows:

It's my filmmaker's version of bushido ... my code.

I am telling my stories and my making my movies the way I choose to, and not according to rules, laws and techniques created and set forth by so-called gurus and snake-oil salesmen, who themselves are unproven in the fields they profess to be experts in.

I believe in my own knowledge, experience, skill and creativity, and will not submit my swagger (not the obnoxious kind) to any writer, director, executive, actor or guru, regardless of their stature or track record.

Why? Because aside from God himself, I am the supreme lord of my creative universe. I am Ronin. I have no master. Why should I grant any human being the power to validate me?

That wasn't a rhetorical question, by the way.

Does this mean I think I'm above learning from others or growing? Absolutely not! Many of my friends, family and associates can confirm that seeking the counsel of those I respect, is a common practice. Too common for many of them I would imagine.

What it means is, I see everyone I work with as a colleague, from the "most successful" to the "just starting out." I try to treat everyone with the same respect I desire, and I don't subscribe to reserving the VIP treatment for higher profile individuals.

Sure, there's more, but that's the basic definition of a cinema rebel as it pertains to me.

Now, I have a question for you.

What is a cinema rebel as it pertains to you?


  1. I wanna be a Cinema Rebel, too.

    Will you tell me how to tell my stories, my way?

  2. I get the feeling you already know. :)
