Sunday, March 29, 2009

Greetings, Good Morning, Hello and Howdy!

I'm writer/director/producer, Lin Fahrenheit, and welcome to my blog. I feel strange even using the word, because I've always thought of blogging as something others did, and never dreamed I'd start one myself, but here I am --blogging. I guess that makes me a blogger too. And you know what? I'm cool with it.

As I said in the "About Me" area of my profile, my primary objective with this blog is to establish a hub, where film industry folks and moviegoing folks can get together to talk about movies and anything else that comes to mind... almost.

Some filmmaker blogs and forums like to keep discussions focused on filmmaking and it's almost heresy to introduce a topic that doesn't lead back to it.

Now, I'll readily admit, that filmmaking and all that it entails, is a primary component of this blog, but it's far from being the only component. I want us to share thoughts and ideas on a myriad of issues like everyday life, love, politics, ups, downs, careers, you name it.

I figure that no matter how diehard a filmmaker or moviegoer you are, you have a life outside of filmmaking and movies. I know I do.

Let's talk rules. I don't have many, but here goes.

Racism, insults, flame wars and the like, will not be tolerated -- at all. So if you're one of those emotional vampires, who feed on the negative emotions you stir up in others, then understand that I will raise up the proverbial cross and banish you from this blog without so much as blinking.

I don't mind heated debates. I don't mind words like shit and damn, so long as they are not used to promote chaos or to insult a blogger or commenting visitor.

Just one, last thing before I check out.

"Greetings, Good Morning (or Afternoon), Hello & Howdy," that's mine -- I own it :)

If you see anyone else using it, they lifted it from me, and should be reported immediately, to the Federal Authority of Unoriginal Misfits.

Seriously though, I look forward to sharing and talking with you. Spread the word and let's blog!

